
Eating Fish – The Healthy Way

Fish is universally accepted as being part of almost every healthy diet plan. They are a high-in-protein, low-in-fat food source with a range of health benefits. It is no surprise the American Heart Association endorses consuming at least two 3.5 oz servings of non-fried fish every week. Americans, in general, consume much less than that, which is a cause of some concern. But what is less known is that not all fish are good for you! Here are some pro tips for you to eat and what not to eat.

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Fish high in omega-3’s: Fatty fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fats in fish are good for your heart health in numerous ways. They are a boon for your cardiovascular health by regulating blood clotting and vessel constriction and are highly beneficial in cardiac arrhythmia, depression and stopping mental decline in older people. They not only reduce risks of heart diseases, but conditions like stroke and Alzheimer’s disease too. Sources of fish high in omega-3’s are:

  • Salmon
  • Herring
  • Trout
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies

Shrimply the best: Shrimp and prawns are good choices for seafood intake, though they are crustaceans. They are a low-calorie, low-mercury and high-protein source. It is highly popular among us Americans – as they account for about 50% of the seafood consumption. They have some downsides though. They are low in omega-3’s and higher in cholesterol than other fish.

Lean fish: These are high-protein and low-fat fish. These generally have a less characteristic fishy taste and thus, highly recommended for those who don’t like eating fish, yet want to get seafood as a part of their diet plan. They also tend to take on the flavor of a sauce or marinade!

Thumbs Down

High-mercury content: Consumption of foods containing mercury is seriously detrimental to health, especially brain and nerve damage in adults and development issues in babies and children. Watch out for fish high in mercury:

  • Swordfish
  • Shark
  • King Mackerel
  • Bigeye Tuna
  • Canned Tuna
  • Marlin

The Intermediate Category

Some fish can be classified as being neither too high in mercury content nor having a considerable omega-3 content. They lie somewhere in the middle. So, it is advised not to avoid them altogether nor get too much overboard. They are:

  • Halibut
  • Monkfish
  • Snapper
  • Chilean Sea Bass
  • Mahi Mahi

Our team at Vitality Medicine of New York (VMNY), provides well-reputed integrative nutrition advice & health coaching for you to make sound decisions regarding your food intake. So, what are you waiting for? Call us now using our telehealth services or schedule an appointment in one of our three locations interspersed in New York City.

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